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Volunteers sought for HST fight Former premier Bill Vander Zalm leads petition drive

Calling all anti-HST campaigners -- Bill Vander Zalm wants you.
The former B.C. premier told The Province yesterday he's looking for a small army of volunteers to repeal the Harmonized Sales Tax.
The ever-smiling 75-year-old said that in his decades of political life he's never seen a phenomenon such as the anti-HST crusade gripping B.C.
"I've seen several political groundswells before, but this is across the board," said Vander Zalm, who's enjoying the limelight again with politicians of various stripes -- both the NDP and the B.C. Conservative Party are fighting the tax.
"We're hoping to get teams of 40 to 50 in each riding. We'll have captains and foot soldiers."
The battle analogy is apt -- the fight to beat the HST is stacked again Vander Zalm, who hopes to sign up 4,250 volunteers.
Under the Citizen Initiative Petition process, the anti-HST teams must sign up 10 per cent of the registered voters in each B.C. riding as a first step to repealing the tax -- a tall task.
Vander Zalm said his team is aiming for a spring kickoff to sign up voters.
"I don't want people out there walking around in 10 feet of snow," he said. "We want to get our team in place before we ask for the initiative.
"At this point, we're targeting March 1 for the kickoff. Hopefully, the weather will be not too bad by then."
Along with the crunch of added taxes on consumer goods, opponents of the HST are upset that the B.C. Liberal government promised not to bring in the tax during the election campaign, then reversed its decision almost immediately after being re-elected.
The federal government sweetened the pot by offering the B.C. government $1.6 billion to adopt the HST.
"I think the provincial government was desperate for money, and when you're desperate, sometimes you do things that aren't good in the long run," said Vander Zalm. "They got into trouble because they spent too much when times were good, and now when times are bad they don't have anything to fall back on."
Premier Gordon Campbell says that the HST will make B.C. a more attractive place to invest, and that over time businesses will relocate here and provide employment and a stronger economy.
Both B.C. and Ontario are set to adopt the HST next July 1, joining Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Bruns-wick and Newfoundland.
The premier's cause got a vote of confidence from the Canadian Chamber of Commerce meeting in Victoria on the weekend.
Delegates from 258 chambers of commerce and boards of trade attending the CCC's annual general meeting called on the federal government to establish the HST from coast to coast.
pat a
October 05, 2009 - 3:44 PM
 Bill Vanderzalm, as colorful and as delightful as he may seem to be, pretty much single handedly brought down the power Social Credit party simply by his policies and comments while in government dealing with a pretty nasty recession.  I think he proved that he has no ability on the economic front!  Facts are that in 1974 I bought my first 17 inch color Sony TV for $600 at Woodwards.  Today Woodwards is gone and that same tv upgraded of course is less than $200.  Why?  because of a global economy where we import ultra cheap goods from very, very poor countries....Our businesses and industries have to compete with these products and one way to help is the have a harmonized sales tax where all imput taxes will be off the businesses, thereby making our products a little more competively prioed.  As long as we keep buying non canadian goods, we force canadians out of business and out of work so supporting canadian products will also help......Mr. Vanderzalm could help by looking for positive ideas and by asking people to support canadian business wherever possible rather than making love to the cameras!
October 05, 2009 - 3:14 PM
 The Gov't couldn't hide something like this before an election if they were really considering/negotiating back then. Some clerk/filer/minister/employee would have at least overheard something if not would have been involved and alerted the media. This is too big to be hidden and no gov't is that good a hiding things.
October 05, 2009 - 3:07 PM
 OMG! My super size Big Mac and Fries with a Coke will cost an additional $0.50!! I cannot stand for that!  What can I do?!?!?!?  Save me VanderScam!  Save me from myself!!
Irvin Sumter-Freitag
October 05, 2009 - 2:49 PM
 I think that this latest tax grab by the Provincial government may be the proverbial straw... While I sympathize with those who are railing against it, the odds of a recall in this province are slim to none, and the time frame is definitely on the side of the Government. By the time the next election rolls around, most will have tightened their belts and learned to live with the tax, and even the opposition won't want to kill such a productive cash cow.
There is, in my opinion, an excellent way to not only reverse the effects of this tax, but to actually benefit from it - that does not involve wasting the time and energy that is presently being wasted. I am presently preparing a web site with the info and hope to have it up in the next month or so.
October 05, 2009 - 2:37 PM
 Hey Economics for dummies.  It's not 27% increase you idiot.  GST and liquor tax was already in the price.  And a few years back GST was 7% and now 5%.  Were you complaining about the 2% decrease.  Also under HST, liquor tax will be reduced from 10% to 7% for a decrease of 3%.  This will benefit idiots like you since clearly your drunk again.  Eating out is not a right or priviledge.  You can choose to buy tax-exempt food from Stupidstore foods and save money cooking your own meal.  No sympathy hear.
Oprah rules
October 05, 2009 - 2:10 PM
 I don't like taxes but who cares, Oprah is on tv.
October 05, 2009 - 1:48 PM
 If the HST will bring down the price of goods because we have many hidden taxes than fine. If not this will be bad.
October 05, 2009 - 1:26 PM
 IF the HST goes thru this will cause devastating effects to our economy.  Think people, we already pay gst and tip  when we eat out....HST means now 12% plust 15% tip= 27%+ on top of your food bill!!!  The list goes on.
HST needs to be stopped NOW!!!!!!!!
October 05, 2009 - 1:20 PM
 Stick your "investments" where the sun doesn't shine, Campbell! Feed the poor; don't take away what little they have left! Society needs to get fed up with the corporations running this society!
noone can stop the government
October 05, 2009 - 1:12 PM
 why bother, its not gonna happen..
Garbage Bear
October 05, 2009 - 1:05 PM
 This H.S.T. deal stinks like the B.C. Rail Deal does.
October 05, 2009 - 1:03 PM
 Matt, my guess at the length of negotiations is only speculation.  However, from my experience nothing in government is decided in a short time frame especially when it comes to transfers of sums such as $1.6B.  I do not believe that this number could be determined let alone agreed upon by Federal and Provincial agencies unless there was months of negotiations.  I also feel that because of the highly sensitive nature of taxes that anyone in the Federal or Provincial Finance Agencies would never want to be publicly associated with negotiating such a tax, so there would be very little evidence either on or off the record of such negotiations.  But if you believe that both parties agreed to the transfer of $1.6B and a new tax arangement in less than one month then I also guess you believe the world was created in seven days.
increase taxes is needed
October 05, 2009 - 12:04 PM
 why is a disgraced former leader front and center???  where the hell is Carole James??  what a useless leader.  haha to General strike.  You can't get people to vote let alone sign a petition.
October 05, 2009 - 11:55 AM
 The governments wants this and for the government it makes no difference to these people a couple bucks they dont care.They can put all this money to pay down the OLY. and be looking good.After the OLY you can jump or dance for this province will  be so far in hole that it will take years to get out .But no one can say or will not say the cost of OLY.
October 05, 2009 - 11:55 AM
 The governments wants this and for the government it makes no difference to these people a couple bucks they dont care.They can put all this money to pay down the OLY. and be looking good.After the OLY you can jump or dance for this province will  be so far in hole that it will take years to get out .But no one can say or will not say the cost of OLY.

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